Author archives for Erin Wood

    How to Make Charitable Giving Part of Your Financial Plan


    How to Make Charitable Giving Part of Your Financial Plan

    COVID-19 caused an economic shockwave that we’ll feel for a long time. Nonprofits, from large global networks to the local churches, have been hit hard, too. In a recent survey of 110 nonprofits, 80% of them said revenue had fallen across the board.

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    Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood


    Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

    Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

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    Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood


    Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

    Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

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    Sorting Through the Noise on Social Security


    Sorting Through the Noise on Social Security

    We live in the Information Age, where any information we could ever want is available to us within seconds, but due to the overwhelming wealth of info and sources – not to mention neck-break speed of the instant news cycle – it feels hard to know what’s really going on.

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    How to Financially Prepare Yourself for a Divorce


    How to Financially Prepare Yourself for a Divorce

    Your financial advisor may not be the first person you call when considering splitting up, but they should be somewhere on the list. One of the concrete things you can do to help with the process and the healing to follow is to plan ahead. 

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    3 Retirement Potholes (and How to Avoid Them)


    3 Retirement Potholes (and How to Avoid Them)

    The retirement planning process is full of potholes – they seem to pop out of nowhere and can do major damage if you’re not careful. In my years as a financial guide, I’ve put in a lot of man-hours helping people avoid financial potholes. The danger is real and the monetary bruises take a w …

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    Estate Planning Fundamentals to Help You Start the Conversation


    Estate Planning Fundamentals to Help You Start the Conversation

    Estate planning, no matter how large or simple your assets, is a conversation everyone should have. From dividing up gigantic bank accounts to choosing the music for a funeral, putting a plan in place can keep a lot of stress and family tension from reaching fever pitch.

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    How to Buy a Car Without Losing Your Mind (or Your Wallet)


    How to Buy a Car Without Losing Your Mind (or Your Wallet)

    Having to buy a car is like having a sliver stuck under my fingernail. It’s painful and annoying, I know I have to deal with it, but it’s going to take forever. Might as well pack a lunch too, because the second you decide you want to test drive something they have you trapped.

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