Focused Planning

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Financial planning is an important piece of the Wealth Management process. In fact, we encourage all of our clients to go through the process to help their advisor make individual recommendations based on their unique situations. We do not adhere to the “one-size-fits-all” investment allocation mantra. We understand that no two clients have the same situation, goals and objectives, and we tailor our recommendations to reflect that fact. Knowing that it would be mutually beneficial to our clients to go through the planning process and for our advisors to be able to provide investment recommendations taking into account a client’s entire picture, we created our latest financial planning offering: Focused Planning.

Focused Planning is complimentary financial planning tailored to your individual objectives and covers four areas:

  1. Family Index Number Development
  2. Personalized Cash-Flow Based Planning
  3. Risk Management Planning
  4. Social Security Analysis

For those of you familiar with our website, you know that the Family Index Number is “the rate of return necessary on your portfolio assets to achieve your goals and objectives while maintaining resources during your anticipated lifetime.” Our team of advisors and planners work together to calculate your Family Index Number and then construct a portfolio designed to help you achieve or beat your number over the long-term with the least amount of risk. With Focused Planning, you will receive your Family Index Number and we will update it for you going forward at your annual review.

Want to feel confident about your retirement decision, how much you can spend in retirement or do you have other goals and objectives such as funding education, a wedding or selling your business? Focused Planning allows us to provide custom recommendations utilizing our interactive, cash-flow based planning platform based on the goals and objectives most important to your financial wellness.

When was the last time someone reviewed your risk management portfolio? Have you had a discussion with your advisor about diversifying your portfolio while at the same time preparing for the unexpected? With Focused Planning, your team will analyze your current situation and align recommendations with risks posing the greatest threat to your financial future.

Your friends, family members or co-workers may have elected to begin receiving Social Security benefits as soon as they became eligible, but that doesn’t mean that is the right claiming strategy for you. How long do you plan on working? What is your health situation? Do you have a family history of living into the 80’s, 90’s or longer? What is your primary insurance amount? What are your expected expenses in retirement? All of these questions factor into the decision of when to begin claiming your Social Security Benefits. You worked hard to earn those benefits, let your advisor show you how to develop your own personal claiming strategy that could maximize your Social Security distributions.

All of the planning areas covered in Focused Planning are helpful on their own. Together, they provide meaningful and comprehensive financial planning – at no cost to our clients!

For additional information on Focused Planning, please click here or contact us today!

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