Your Financial Diagnosis

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Being a top asset management firm, we receive many calls per week from individuals across the country seeking advice and wanting to open up investment accounts.

I think we all have had days where we wake up and we decide to get a task done that we had been thinking about for some time such as, “my car is dirty, so I’ll go to the car wash,” or “I’ve been meaning to mail a package, so I’ll go to the Post Office.”Financial uncertainty and the fear of the unknown in one’s financial journey is a prime example of something that many people think about on a constant basis. Reducing financial uncertainty is not as easy as replacing old windshield wipers or getting your oil changed, however.

For many, logic says, “I need help with my finances, so I’ll hire a financial advisor.” I believe this is why there are various financial advisors that set up shop in convenient areas and make it very easy to open up investment accounts. In essence, many financial advisors want the process of setting up an account to be as easy as going to get your hair cut or any other task.

Our belief and process at Carson Wealth is very similar to the process physicians follow. Doctors are not going to give you a diagnosis without assessing your symptoms. Even if you go to the doctor for a very specific ailment, they will not prescribe medicine without inquiring about your past medical history. We are the same in many ways; we will not make recommendations without inquiring about your whole financial picture and your specific goals. Also, for the benefit of our existing clients we only take on a certain number of clients per year. In addition, as our prospective clients are interviewing us, we are interviewing them to see if they are a good fit for our company culture, and we are establishing if we can add significant value to their unique situation.

While our method may take longer than getting your car washed or going to the Post Office, we believe taking a dedicated, process driven approach to give our diagnosis and recommendations will ultimately benefit our clients in the long run and set the foundation for a long-term relationship.

Contact A Carson Wealth Advisor Today

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